Tips and resources you’ll need to

Get Started on Your Mastery

Hello there, fellow Gorgeous Geek! Ready to get started on your mastery?

If you’re having trouble with Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, or Physics, then you’ve come to the right place.

Here, you’ll find videos, guides, presentations, and games that will help you build a strong foundation in these subjects, and help you master them.

But before we begin, we must first set up the correct foundations for mastery itself.

In this quick getting started guide, you’ll find resources that will help you:


Get Organised:

Set yourself up for success by setting SMART goals, where you can prioritise what needs to get done first, track your progress, and organise yourself so that you can achieve the goals you set by their due date.


Level-up your Productivity:

Using the ingenious Pomodoro Technique, you can easily boost your productivity and increase how much you can get done in a day, without having to wake up super-extra early, stay up late at night, or feel burned out at the end of the day.

Analyse your Strengths, Advantages and Weaknesses:

By analysing your strengths and advantages, you can use what you already to know and the resources you have to aid you in your path to mastery, and by understanding your weaknesses, you can pinpoint which concepts you need help with the most, and improve on them.


I have laid things out in different chapters to make this process super simple to digest. By going through the following chapters, you’ll get resources and tips that you can start using now to build a strong foundation and increase your overall learning experience.

If you’re tired of stressing on tests, getting low grades on assignments, and struggling with homework, and you’re ready to make a change, get ready to be reborn into a high-performing, more productive, and super-organised student. Feel free to either go through each chapter consecutively or skip to the most relevant chapter for you. Don’t forget to bookmark this page so you can always refer to it later. If there are other areas or productivity topics you’d like me to include in this guide, send me a message here and I will do my best to include them.

Now, let’s dive into the chapters.

Chapter 1: Using E = mc^2 In Personal Mastery

Learn how Einstein’s famous equation E = mc^2 can be used to help you in your own personal mastery, and how much energy you have within your body.

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