Chapter 1
Using E = mc^2 In Personal Mastery
Bet you never thought Einstein’s famous equation could be directly tied to your success!
Most people only use this equation for very scientific purposes, but did you know it can be a great secret ingredient to help boost your enthusiasm, confidence, and power when dealing with new challenges?
Here’s what I mean…
Einstein’s equation deals with energy.
What modern science has proven is that all things, when broken down to their basic state, are energy. That includes you, my friend. You are an energy being.
Half the time, we get discouraged or flustered by a new topic or task because we don’t really understand this, and what it means.
I can remember when it first dawned on me that I am made of energy.
It was a while back, when I was studying Chemistry in Khan Academy.
I was reading an article on Isotopes and Mass Spectrometry when I got to a part in the text that asked a good question. It was discussing isotopes of helium, and asked, “do all helium atoms have to have two neutrons?”
There was a link to see the answer to the question, as well as a link to a video on mass defect and binding energy (in the nuclear chemistry section).
(If this sounds like Mandarin to you, don’t worry. I don’t really expect you to get all of it!)
Basically, my excursion into the world of nuclear chemistry boiled down to this: there was part was towards the end when the instructor (David) used E = mc^2 to calculate the energy of an atom.
I was downright surprised. Even though I knew the equation and knew how to use it, I never actually thought of using it to calculate energy.
So after the video, I took my calculator, my approximation of the speed of light, and my mass (in kg), and calculated my energy in joules, as he had shown in the video. (This is essentially the energy that I would get if I were to convert myself atom by atom into energy.)
And trust me, the answer was way more astonishing than my initial reaction on the practical usage of Einstein’s equation.
It was a number so big that the calculator had to resort to abbreviation because it could not display it in its entirety.
I didn’t actually know how much energy I had, even though my mom had been telling me since I was 6 that I had enough energy at any given moment to power an entire city (and more).
But now that I knew how much energy I had, I realised how much power I had in me to achieve my goals and my dreams. And I also realised that nothing is impossible for me to achieve, and I have all the power and energy I need to accomplish everything I truly want to.
So what I want to do is give you the same gift my mom and Einstein have given me. Let me show you how to always believe in yourself and trust that you have the power and ability to do what needs to be done.
Before getting into all the productivity, organisational, and improvement tips, first, we’re going to calculate how much energy your body contains. For this,
You Will Need:
- 1 piece of paper
- 1 pen
- A Google calculator (unless you want to go old school like my mom and use a traditional calculator)
- The speed of light in meters per second (≈ 300,000,000 m/s, or if you want more precision, 299,792,458 m/s)
- Your weight in kilograms (kgs)
Calculating Your Energy (using me as an example):
Step 1: Write down on your piece of paper your mass (popularly known as “weight”) in kgs and the speed of light in m/s.

Step 2: Organise the values in the equation E = mc^2, like this:

Step 3: Calculate using the calculator, making sure to square the speed of light before multiplying it by your weight.

Step 4: That’s you energy in Joules, the unit for energy. Now that you’ve found it, try reading the number out loud. You’ll likely see the result being some decimal number times an e + another number. This means that the number is too big for the calculator to display fully, so it resorts to scientific notation.

If you have enough energy inside of you to force the calculator to resort to scientific notation to display that number, it means that you have all that energy which you can use to do ANYTHING!
Including upping your grades and crushing it in school.
Now that you know how much energy and potential for greatness you have, let’s move on to how to use that energy smartly to get more done in a day, and how to achieve the goals that you set.
Chapter 2: Getting Organised and Productive
Learn about the Pomodoro Technique, and how to incorporate it in your routine, to improve your productivity levels, and ensure that you maximise your potential.
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