
Factors and Multiples

Tip 1:

If you’d like to review the difference between a factor and a multiple, check out these great Khan Academy videos: video #1, video #2.


Q1) List all factors of 100. 

Q2) Which is not a factor of 45?

  1. 1
  2. 8
  3. 9
  4. 3

Q3) List all factors of 32.

Q4) What are the factors of 2?

Q5) Is 100 a multiple or a factor of 50?

Q6) Which statement(s) best describe(s) the relationship between 3 and 45?

  1. 3 is a factor of 45.
  2. 45 is a factor of 3.
  3. 3 is a multiple of 45.
  4. 45 is a multiple of 3.

    Q7) Is 4 a factor of 9?

    Q8) Suppose you have two numbers a and b. How do you know that b is a factor of a?

    1. The remainder of a ÷ b is 1.
    2. The product of a and b is 0.
    3. The product of a and b is 1.
    4. The remainder of a ÷ b is 0.

    Q9) If b is a factor of a, which of these must be true?

    1. b must be a multiple of a.
    2. a must equal b.
    3. b must be a factor of ab.
    4. a must be a multiple of b.

    Q10) Which of these numbers is a multiple of 3?

    1. 13
    2. 131
    3. 3
    4. 91

    Q11) Which of these numbers is a multiple of both 3 and 6?

    1. 3
    2. 9
    3. 6
    4. 21

    Q12) Which of these statements is always true for any two numbers a and b?

    1. a is a multiple of b if b is a factor of a.
    2. If bn = a, for any whole number n, then b is a multiple of a.
    3. If b is a multiple of a, then b is also a multiple of a + b.
    4. None of the above statements are true.


    Answer Key

    Q1) 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100

    Q2) 8

    Q3) 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32

    Q4) 1, 2

    Q5) multiple

    Q6) 3 is a factor of 45; 45 is a multiple of 3

    Q7) no

    Q8) the remainder of a ÷ b is 0

    Q9) b must be a factor of ab; a must be a multiple of b

    Q10) 3

    Q11) 6

    Q12) a is a multiple of b if b is a factor of a; if b is a multiple of a, then b is also a multiple of a + b

    If you have any questions or would like some help with problems like these, feel free to send me a message. I hope these calculations will help you as you continue on your journey of math mastery 🙂

    ~ Your Humble Study Buddy, 


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